Monday, January 18, 2010

An Introduction

Hello Readers! My name is Christa Clark and I'm a 22 year old senior. I was born here in Norfolk, VA, but I spent most of my life in Virginia Beach, VA. I am a Communications major at Old Dominion University.

Blogging just so happens to be one of my favorite things to do. In addition to blogging, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, listening to music, shopping, and meeting new people. I love to talk and make people laugh. Taking pictures of myself and my loved ones is something that I love to do, so I can always have the memories of the fun times that we have together.

My purpose for this blog is to relfect my findings from class and to learn more about Rhetorical Criticism. I also want to use this blog as an opportunity to keep everything that I learn and share it with others. I hope that I can not only learn from the book, but to learn from my peers as well.

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