Sunday, May 2, 2010

Reflective Post

The most useful information that I learned from this class all of the different types of criticism there are. Before taking this course, I had no idea or even thought about how there are different tpes of criticism.
My favorite part of this class was writing a blog. I thought it was very easy, fun, and convenient to have a blog to write my assigments on. I enjoy blogging, so it was great to have one for this class.
The most challenging aspect of this class for me was relating an artifact to one of the types of criticisms. I had to reread the examples in the text as well as do outside research so that I could fully understand the type of criticism and write an affective essay.
A way in which I would incorporate the information that I learned in this class is that there are several ways to think about everything. I will take that ino consideration from this point forward.